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Aww.... 2019.

How I





and morphed

this year.

So, as cliche as it is, I decided to do my own 2019 year in review. Here are the top lessons I took away from this year!


1) Self Acceptance

I realized I was fighting against the cards I was dealt this year. And that will never make a happy person. Instead of loathing myself for things I cannot necessarily control, it is better to accept that I am doing the best I can with what I am given. And instead of being pissed about it, I should just learn to accept it and work with it. Cause it's really the only way I can improve my own well being.

2) People can be disappointing

I'm one of those people who lovessss to feel as though I solved all my problems and found all my solutions tied up in a perfect little bow. But that's not how life works. People can suck. And disappoint the hell out of you. Even when you know you would never treat them the way they treated you, it simply doesn't matter. When some people suck, others rock. Finding those to keep extra close, finding those to distance yourself from, and putting others somewhere in the middle, is what adult life entails.

3) It's not just black and white

One of the biggest life lessons I've learned in adult life is the idea that not everything is so clear. There is a shit ton of gray area in life. I often feel unclear about how I feel, how to perceive other people and how to properly handle certain situations. Learning that not everything can be categorized into black and white will help you sleep better at night.

4) People show love in different ways

I typically have felt in my life that if someone loved me, they would show me in the way my mom does (lol). It will be obvious, said often and have a presence in the room. Not everyone I've encountered expresses their love this way. My grandpa is a colder and harsher man, but when I gave him a Christmas gift, he teared up. And he told me how much he appreciated the gesture. Even though he didn't say it, I knew that was his way of showing his love.

5) Optimism is key

Okay, I'm not saying going about your day like Kimmy Schmidt is the key to eternal happiness. I'm just saying, when you have the choice to react multiple different ways, wouldn't you rather choose cheer? You can be the grocery store clerk that takes your money, doesn't make eye contact, and grumbles throughout their shift. Or you can be the clerk that's friendly as hell and makes an impression on every customer she speaks to. Which one do you think makes more of an impact on other peoples' lives?


That's all I got for 2019! I hope that 2020 is another year of growth for me, and that I learn how to be more accepting of myself.

Happy New Year!

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