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Dear You,

Oh, I sometimes wish for the days when we were together.

The glee I had in my heart, the love I felt for us. I will not invalidate those moments. They were truly great and powerful for me.

Regardless of how you interpreted those moments.

Towards the end, however, those moments were harder to come by. And I thought you were the only person who could give me that feeling. I know now that I was naive. I was wrong to think that you are the only person on this earth for me.

You are not enough for me.

I need more maturity, emotional intelligence, and compassion. I was willing to take your imperfect framework and rebuild something resembling beauty with you.

But you were over trying.

And I understand that.

I understand that sometimes when something is broken, it isn't worth dropping to your hands and knees to repair.

I guess my overly caring and hopeful soul saw some redemption for us. For you.

But you discredited me. Trampled me. Walked all over me when my heart was in my hands.

And as I tried again to offer it to you, glimmer of hope in my eyes, you turned your back and walked away. As if you couldn't be bothered.

This only reaffirmed my fears. That you are not the one for my soul. And that is something I have already accepted in the previous months without you.

I will find someone someday that fuels my energy and makes me feel worthy no matter what state I am in. They will walk with me through the storms, and I will triumph with them through their joys. I need to learn to be patient and accept that a person that perfect for me is worth the wait.

And you will be a distant memory. A lesson to myself of what I do, and do not, deserve.

Thank you for all you have taught me. Most importantly, that I am capable and deserving of love.

You are also a lesson, however, of what is below my worth.

Have a joyful life.

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